WorkSafe Victoria has introduced a streamlined Workplace Injury Rehabilitation Bill to Parliament.

The OHS authority says it is honouring a State Government election commitment by combining two previous bills into a simpler form.

The new bill titled ‘Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Bill 2013’ has been put before Parliament by Treasurer Gordon Rich-Phillips, if it is passed will most likely come into operation on July 1 next year.

This Bill combines the Accident Compensation Act 1985 and the Accident Compensation (WorkCover Insurance) Act 1993 into a single Act that is simpler to use, honouring a Government election promise to ease stresses for small businesses, builders and contractors.

The benefits that are available to injured workers and the method for calculating premiums will not changed by the Bill. Furthermore, the Return to Work arrangements for both existing and new claims remain the same.

For more information see the WorkSafe Victoria website