Australian building suppliers allegedly knew for years that they were selling highly flammable cladding products.

The United Nations says Australia has made “woefully inadequate” progress on Closing the Gap.

Almost everyone has some kind of back pain, and new research suggests it may actually be a defence mechanism.

The Queensland Government has moved to accept most of the recommendations made by its black lung committee.

A union leader has called for harsher penalties to prevent mine deaths.

New research shows the incidence of serious trauma for Victorian cyclists has increased.

Doctors say a new vaccine will be an important weapon in the fight to protect women against cervical cancer.

The Nationals have backed a call to limit mobility scooters to 6km/h.

Researchers have developed a lithium-ion battery with far lower fire and explosive risks.

The SA Government is considering specific laws to put bullies behind bars.

The Fair Work Commission will not let Aerocare low ball its workers.

Brisbane bus drivers are expected to strike again ...

Queensland has passed new laws to provide more tests for black lung ...

Remote area disability services say they cannot afford to charge rates mandated by the NDIS.

There has been a shift among injecting drug users towards prescription meds.

Research suggests significant numbers of workers in mining and agriculture are consuming drugs and alcohol before work.

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