WorkSafe to hold return to work forum
WorkSafe Victoria has announced a free workshop aimed at providing employers with advice they need to help reintegrate injured workers into the workforce.
Held in Santurary Lakes on 24 May, the two-and-a-half hour workshop will focus on key knowledge and communication skills required by employers to improve return to work outcomes.
Medical Doctor David Bolzonello will provide a key address to help employers understand the health perspective of reintroducing injured workers, while also helping employers build a collaborative relationship with the injured worker’s doctor.
WorkSafe’s Return to Work project manager Danielle Jacobs said it was essential businesses had the necessary skills needed to help get injured workers back to safe work.
“Helping an injured worker to return to safe, sustainable work sooner – even if it’s on reduced hours and modified or alternative duties – can achieve a better return to work outcome in the long-term.”
“It also helps the business maintain productivity and keep the cost of WorkSafe premiums down.”
Ms Jacobs said a recent employer performance analysis revealed employers who attended the WorkSafe return to work co-ordinator events on average achieved better return to work outcomes than those who didn’t attend.
“Attending this workshop will help you build your return to work knowledge, give you a chance to discuss your return to work issues with experts and meet and learn from other Return to Work Coordinators from your area and industry.”
The event will be held from 9.30am to midday at the Sanctuary Lakes Resort Greg Norman Drive, Sanctuary Lakes, 3030.
Employers are encouraged to register to the event by clicking on the ‘workshops and events section’ at:
For more information on the event, please contact WorkSafe’s Return to Work Project Manager, Danielle Jacobs on 9940 4283.