The Western Australian Greens have warned of an increase of workplace accidents if the number of inspectors at Worksafe WA is not urgently addressed.


The warning comes after a Parliamentary Estimates hearing was told that the Department of Commerce had seen a significant drop in the number of investigations undertaken, workplace visits and the issuing of Improvement and Prohibition Notices.


“During questioning at Estimates the Department admitted that the significant decrease in activity was as a direct result of the chronic understaffing of the agency,” said Alison Xamon, Greens spokesperson on Occupational Health and Safety.


“Although there is scope for 103 FTE to be filled Worksafe has had a consistent problem with filling these positions, being up to 20% understaffed for their Workplace Inspectors.


WorkSafe WA claimed that the drop off was a result of intense labour competition with the mining industry, with Ms Xamon arguing for improved wages and conditions under the Governmental award.