Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - February, 2019
Almost half of all school principals were threatened with violence in 2018.
Three hit in ANSTO spill
Three staff at a government nuclear facility have been decontaminated after a chemical spill.
Coal dust diseases rise
Health advocates say almost 20 new diagnoses of coal dust diseases have emerged in Queensland workers in the last fortnight.
Redress hold-outs revealed
Over 100 institutions have been implored to join the National Redress Scheme for victims of child sexual abuse.
Darwin PFAS report finds "disregard"
Darwin Airport has been accused of disregarding measures to prevent toxic PFAS chemicals flowing into waterways.
Cases uncovered in silicosis review
An official review has found close to 100 Queensland workers have contracted the potentially deadly lung disease silicosis.
Review backs safe basis
An independent review has found Australia’s model work safety laws are operating as intended.
Roof fall case has implications
A Queensland court has ruled that a worker injured before her shift is eligible for worker’s compensation.
ACOSS wants disability probe
The Australian Council of Social Service wants a Royal Commission into abuse suffered by people with disabilities.
App aimed at ES health
Local experts want emergency service workers to be better equipped for the mental health challenges of their roles.
CSIRO launches big bug tracker
CSIRO has developed a new tool to understand how human infectious diseases found overseas might spread in Australia.
New team for Strep vaccine
Funding has been provided for a national consortium to find a vaccine against Strep A.
Councils call for concerted talks
Councils want more consideration before NSW's tough new music festival laws are rushed through.
Authority calls for dust data
Safe Work Australia wants feedback on new exposure guidelines for crystalline silica and coal dust.
Fortescue calms autonomous concern
Fortescue has defended its autonomous system after trucks collided in WA.
Major Manus contract questioned
The Department of Home Affairs says “urgent” circumstances led it to award a $400 million contract in a closed tender, but denies it was “desperate”.
SafeWork responds to assaults
New South Wales businesses are being reminded that assaulting a SafeWork inspector is illegal.
Anti-vax ad spend detailed
The Federal Government is spending millions to fight anti-vaccination campaigns.
Experts driving AI L-plates
Queensland researchers are teaching robot drivers to work with human roads.
Game/behaviour link checked
A British study has found no link between violent video games and players behaving violently themselves.