Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - January, 2019
A construction company has been charged over the deaths of two workers in Victoria.
Cracked tower reviews loom
A new report questions the strength of horizontal support beams in Sydney’s Opal Tower.
Driver fights derailment sacking
A BHP driver sacked after a train was derailed in the Pilbara is claiming unfair dismissal.
Safe sound tests extended
SafeWork NSW has extended an exemption to new noise level testing requirements.
Safety issues force recycle closure
Safety issues have forced the closure of recycling facility in Canberra.
Bupa home sanctioned for safety risks
Bupa has seen its ninth aged care home sanctioned in 12 months over ‘severe risk’ to residents.
Meter readers protected from pets
Electricity meter readers in Queensland will no longer enter yards where dogs are not securely restrained.
NSW sweeps building cracks
The NSW Government has announced a crackdown on dodgy building certifiers.
Ansell reviews abuse claims
Ansell is investigating allegations one of its major suppliers is abusing worker rights.
Firms serious about flying taxis
Safety authorities say flying rideshare taxis are feasible and could be in Australia within five years.
Stockpile discovery prompts review call
The Victorian Government is considering tougher laws after the discovery of several large chemical stockpiles.
Civil suit slams NT child prisons
A civil lawsuit has been filed against the Northern Territory Government over its youth detention facilities.