Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - October, 2013
The Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum says fatalities have dropped in the last thirteen years despite massive increases in the amount of workers.
Safety starts in the mental workplace
The second week of Safe Work Australia Month has coincided with National Mental Health Week, causing organisers to remind all workers that mental health and safety is a workplace issue as well.
Delays hit Tas. hardest as NBN work rolls up
Figures reportedly obtained by Australian media sources show work on Tasmanian sections of the National Broadband Network has ground to a halt.
Latrobe's rough tender process probed
Inspectors have been called in to have a look into transparency in Victoria’s Latrobe City Council tender process.
Unions move to stamp-out bullying in Tasmania
This month is WorkSafe Tasmania month, during which Unions across the state have embarked on a quest to find out how much bullying is going on, and what can be done about it.
Dozens fail in Cootes' safety haul
Dangerous defects have forced Cootes Transport to pull dozens of its trucks off the road.
Federal customs, security and safety boost for Melbourne Airport
A new facility for the Australian Federal Police will allow agents greater access and abilities at the Melbourne Airport.
Industry responding to dust ailments
The Australian Workers’ Union is putting on seminars in Western Australia to warn miners of the diseases that could be drifting right in front of them.
NSW dips toes in new pool laws, calls for a hand
New legislation is on the way in New South Wales, with the state government taking over registration and reporting on swimming pools.
OHS inspector lock-out could be deadly
There is a claim today that new construction safety laws could actually endanger workers.
Poll shows hundreds of GPs routinely sexually harassed
A survey in the latest Medical Journal of Australia holds the concerning finding that more than half of female doctors report being sexually harassed by patients.
Rio's robots drive tension, save money
Mining giant Rio Tinto is helping usher in the robot revolution, with its plan to replace some of the world’s highest-paid train drivers with robotic equivalents.