Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - February, 2019
Unions have slammed a culture of bullying, pressure and fatigue at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH).
Dump search impacts exposed
Government documents suggest the nuclear waste site selection process has triggered mental health concerns, business boycotts and division.
States back cladding ban
Flammable cladding has been banned in buildings nationwide, but Australia may never be free of the risky material.
Tassie leads lake contamination
Lakes in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) are contaminated with dangerous metals at some of the highest levels in the world.
Aged care commission begins
The royal commission into Australia’s aged care system is underway this week.
Asylum medical bill slammed
The Federal Government is firm in its belief that more sick asylum seekers should not be treated.
Fine and jail time for roof fall
A Brisbane company director has been jailed for a year and fined $1 million over a workplace death.
New funds for child safety
The Government has put up $10 million to improve the tools to keep Australian children safe online.
Pharmacies arm users with safety
Australian pharmacies have started selling pill testing kits over the counter.
"Idiot" MP apologises
A Federal Government minister has apologised for doing something "inappropriate" to a female Defence officer.
Respect training aimed at unis
A new respectful relationships program has been created for university students.
ACT health review released
The ACT Government has released an interim report from its review of public health services.
Long safety case ends in fine
A Victorian port operator has been fined $475,000 for threatening workers over their safety concerns.
Opal Tower issues aired
Insiders have exposed apparent flaws in the construction of Sydney’s Opal Tower.
SafeWork posts farm help clips
SafeWork SA has created a series of videos to improve safety and awareness in the agriculture industry.
Asylum health panel formed
The Federal Government has set up a review panel for asylum seekers being transferred on medical grounds.