Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - April, 2013
The Queensland Government has announced it is seeking community input on the proposed changes to electrical safety laws that it says will reduce the costs of doing business while maintaining the standards of electrical safety.
WorkCover Queelsnad launches injury performance summary feature
WorkCover Queensland has released a new performance summary feature for employers registered with Employer online to help them easily identify injury hot spots in terms of nature and location of an injury.
WorkSafe ACT launches height safety blitz
WorkSafe ACT has kicked off an inspection program focusing on work safety at height in the residential housing industry throughout the Territory.
Injury advisory group convenes in Sydney
The National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) Advisory Group has convened in Sydney to discuss the progression of developing a comprehensive insurance scheme for catastrophic injuries.
Discrimination cuts deep in Australia
Nearly a million Australians have reported feeling discriminated against by their employers over the recent years, a new University of Melbourne study has found.