Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - April, 2017
Efforts are being taken to reduce risks from the demolition of Port Augusta's decommissioned Northern Power Station.
Big cuts could halve heatwaves
A new report says there is still time to avoid some heatwaves by aggressively cutting carbon emissions.
Melioidosis rates rise in NT
A potentially fatal bacterium is on the rise in the Northern Territory.
NSW legal services boosted
The NSW Government has launched a $6 million community legal centre rescue package.
John Holland claims PCH completion
The head contractor on the Perth Children's Hospital project says it is complete, despite lead contamination issues.
NT water looks worse under new limit
Under new government limits for toxic contamination, the NT town of Katherine’s water is officially poisoned.
Experts want action on dust disease
Experts are rallying together to call for stronger regulations against black lung.
Half-ready work scheme launched
The Federal Government has launched an unpaid internship program with the backing of any legislation.
Toxic foam limits lowered
A federal regulator has decreased the acceptable limits for exposure to toxic fire-fighting chemicals.
'Clean' Carmichael claim questioned
Media reports have cast doubt on the claim Australia will send India its cleanest-burning coal.
PTSD has physical side
Australian researchers say PTSD should not be seen as a purely psychological disorder.