Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - May, 2014
As robots begin to have an increasing presence in our lives, it is likely that they will greatly annoy some people, luckily, researchers are planning for this.
Missing report looks for better use of beacons
Prospectors are being urged to take better safety precautions, after the suspected death of one missing man and a series of costly searches.
New designs bring visibility to those left behind
An important gap has been filled to enhance safety and equality at work sites of all kinds.
Report finds main source across most burning buses
A new report has found the source of more than half of New South Wales bus fires.
Slow progress on speed report in SA
The South Australian Transport Department is looking for a little bit more data before releasing its report into speed limits on country roads.
Dangerous denim brought back to dye
Over 120,000 items have been recalled from Myer, Just Jeans, Target and other major outlets, after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) issued a warning about a potentially deadly dye.
Experts come together to cut bad joints
Global experts have converged to discuss just how dodgy implants find their way into patients, trying to end the plague of poorly designed orthopaedic devices.
Multi-purpose plan to improve roads through light and power
The advance of solar energy is linked to the surfaces on which panels can be stuck, and a new project adds roads and highways to that list.
Nano-fabric for bacterial destruction found
Nano-technicians have developed a new fabric that kills a range of infectious bacteria in minutes.
Better access for big haul of truck safety schemes
Transport operators and authorities will be able to boost safety through better communication, with the launch of the National Road Safety Partnership Program.
Exhaust report has long list of particular risks
Health authorities say any exposure to diesel soot can cause life-threatening conditions in children and adults.
Farm bike innovation saves lives, takes prize
A device which will likely save some farmers’ lives has won “Best New Safety Product or Innovation” award at Agfest.
Lead effects carry strong whiff of danger
Researchers have warned that the dangers of large lead smelters are going unchecked.
Pink batt penny-passing sees staff blame each other
The royal commission into the Rudd government’s home insulation scheme continues, and comments of some authorities have shown just how rushed the plan was.
Floating nuclear plants given nod for safety
Energy engineers say floating nuclear power plants could avoid some of the pitfalls of their land-based predecessors.