Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - June, 2013
The Queensland Government has passed new legislation through State Parliament that changes the definition of a worker for workers’ compensation purposes.
Speak up urges Victorian Government
The Victorian Government has unveiled a new campaign aimed at getting younger employees to speak up if they’re unsure about the safety of their workplace.
Real men watch out for their mental health
National mental health organisation, beyondblue, has launched a new campaign aimed at creating a culture of mental health awareness with the Australian male cohort.
Government outlines workplace equality response
The Federal Government has tabled its official response to a House of Representatives Committee report on pay equity and boosting female workforce participation.
Government to form asbestos register
The Federal Government has announced it will form the first National Asbestos Exposure Register to be maintained by the newly formed national Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency.
Queensland announces road safety plan
The Queensland Government has announced the roll out of a new, two-year, $350 million plan to tackle the state’s rising road toll.
Telstra moves on asbestos crisis
Telstra has announced it will move to immediately implement a range of initiatives aimed at countering the threat of asbestos in its copper trenches.