Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - June, 2015
Safe Work Australia says up to 5,000 cancer diagnoses each year could be the result of occupational exposure to carcinogens.
Shorten's deals stay veiled for now
Opposition leader Bill Shorten is saying nothing about his union history, until he faces the Royal Commission later this year.
Stations fall in SA coal collapse
Alinta Energy says its coal-fired power stations at Port Augusta in South Australia will close in early 2018, or possibly sooner.
Abbott wants Shortern to lay bare union links
The Prime Minister says the Opposition Leader should answer questions about whether Australian Workers Union members were 'ripped off'.
Arthritis find prompts hope of better help
Researchers at the University of Queensland (UQ) have developed a rheumatoid arthritis treatment that targets the underlying cause of the disease.
Authorities want stronger lights shining on 'death ship'
Gun-running, murder and foul play are among the claims raised as the mysterious ‘murder ship’ MV Sage Sagittarius stalks Australia’s coastline.
CFMEU jumps on asbestos scare for seven
The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) says seven maintenance workers have been exposed to asbestos at Alcoa's Kwinana refinery near Perth.
Drug deals going digital
A new survey says more people are looking online for cheap prices on drugs like ecstasy and cocaine.
MERS makes waves in Asian nations
South Korea has vowed to go “all out” in its response to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, after recording the sixth death.
Pallet jack scooter slam to pay out
A Queensland factory worker has been granted partial compensation for injuries sustained while riding a pallet jack like a scooter.
Truckies say grocery giants force illegal acts
The Transport Workers Union (TWU) says Coles truck drivers are involved in illegal practices to meet the unfair pressures of the supermarket giant.
New leaks show Australia seeks massive deregulation
WikiLeaks has released more information on Australia’s secret trade dealings.
New 'bots leap to rescue challenge
One of the US military’s futuristic creations has become untethered.
Transpacific pays for long-running miss
Transpacific has been hit with one of the heaviest penalties seen in Australia for a breach of occupational health and safety laws.
WA seeks tech fix for traffic woes
WA’s RAC is looking at driverless cars as a solution to Perth's congestion problems.
Xenophon gets heavy on anthrax tour
Senator Nick Xenophon says the Federal Government needs to investigate and explain how a US military lab was able to send live anthrax to Australia.