The Australian Workers Union (AWU) and the Mining and Energy Union (MEU) have announced...

Blood tests could track the recovery of concussed football players.

Australia loses the equivalent of 41,000 full-time workers each year due to workplace-related injuries and illnesses.

The Australian government has pledged to co-design changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with the disability community.

The NSW Government says it will introduce industrial manslaughter offence, carrying a 25-year jail term and $20 million fine for worker deaths.

Toyota, Honda, Mazda and Yamaha have admitted to safety test mishandling.

Scientists say pollution presents a greater threat to global health than war, terrorism, and a range of diseases combined.

An alarming rise in serious injuries caused by falls from heights has prompted SafeWork SA to launch an awareness campaign to keep workers safe.

The National Safe Work Month 2024 theme and topics have been revealed.

A road safety equipment manufacturer has been convicted and fined a total of $650,000 after a truck driver was fatally crushed by a falling steel barrier in Victoria.

Australia will soon have its first federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

People living with disabilities in Victoria are set to benefit from an increase in locally manufactured assistive devices.

Australia’s electoral commissions are attempting to protect staff from online harm.

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