Safe Work Australia has set the stage for a decade of transformation in work health and safety (WHS) across the nation.

The authority has released the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2033 Baseline Report, which seeks to ensure safe and healthy work environments for all Australians. 

Safe Work Australia wants it to act as a national call to action, urging WHS stakeholders to unite and address both longstanding and emerging challenges in the field. 

Key focus areas include managing psychosocial risks, adapting to advancements in artificial intelligence and automation, and navigating the complexities of modern work arrangements such as gig work.

The Baseline Report draws from a diverse array of data sources to provide a detailed overview of Australia's current WHS landscape. 

It highlights critical areas requiring action over the next ten years and sets forth a series of measurable targets aimed at driving systemic improvements. 

These targets are intended to help monitor progress and ensure accountability in achieving the strategy’s goals.

Accompanying the Baseline Report is a technical document titled "About the data," which delves into the primary datasets used. 

This report offers guidance on measuring progress against each target and explains how to interpret the data, ensuring that stakeholders have a clear understanding of the evidence base underpinning the strategy.

The documents are accessible here;