All levels of government in Australia have been accused of inadequately addressing racism, with many even avoiding the term altogether. 

A new report, produced for the Australian Human Rights Commission by PwC Indigenous Consulting and the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research at UTS, criticises the current approaches as ad-hoc, disjointed, reactive, and lacking coordination among governments, agencies, and sectors.

The report says negatively racialised communities are forced to compete for limited funding, which detracts from addressing the root issues. 

There is also a notable lack of focus on racism against First Nations communities. Additionally, the absence of political bipartisanship is identified as a significant barrier to effective action.

“This report shows governments at all levels in Australia are not taking seriously enough their responsibility for action to address racism,” says National Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman. 

“If some areas of government are reluctant to use the term ‘racism’, how can they tackle it?”

Sivaraman emphasised the need for a national plan to combat racism, advocating for a whole-of-society approach that coordinates efforts across all levels of government and sectors. 

The proposed plan would set benchmarks, measure outcomes, and prioritise those impacted by racism.

The Federal Government has allocated $7.5 million over four years to support the development of a National Anti-Racism Strategy, in consultation with First Nations communities and other negatively racialised groups. 

This strategy is expected to form a comprehensive framework for addressing racism nationwide.

The report's recommendations include developing a clear, whole-of-government strategic approach, establishing a nationally recognised definition of racism, and incorporating anti-racism education in schools. 

“Many people in Australia do not experience the dignity, respect, and opportunity they deserve, particularly First Nations peoples. Racism impacts opportunities and outcomes in all areas of people’s lives,” says Sivaraman.

He also pointed out the systemic failures that have led to dramatic rises in racism towards First Nations peoples, antisemitism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Arab racism, and Islamophobia. “Australia has national plans to tackle problems like mental health, child abuse, and domestic violence. Our current ad-hoc approach towards racism is not good enough,” he said.

The full report can be accessed on the Australian Human Rights Commission's website.