The Joint Select Committee on the NSW Workers Compensation has announced a suite of key recommendations to reform the scheme in a bid to address its increasingly dire financial situation.

“The Committee has considered several hundred submissions and evidence from over 70 witnesses, which has highlighted the complexity and scale of the NSW Workers Compensation Scheme, and the problems it faces in terms of its financial sustainability and its performance in meeting its key objectives,” Committee Chair Robert Borsak said.

"Although the views of stakeholders were diverse, particularly with regard to the options proposed in the Issues Paper released by the Minister for Finance and Services, a strong message coming out of the Inquiry is that immediate reform is needed to respond to the dire financial position of the Scheme.”

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has concluded that diesel engine exhaust is undeniably carcinogenic after a week-long of international experts was held in Lyon, France. The WHO now classifies diesel exhaust as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning it is now undeniably harmful to humans.

The Federal and South Australian Governments have taken the next step to establishing a National Safety Regulatory framework after the appointment of Rob Andrews as the country’s inaugural National Rail Safety Regulator.

Business SA’s Chief Executive Peter Vaughan has lent his influential seal of approval to South Australia’s plans to reform occupational heal and safety laws.

SafeWork Australia has released the next six draft model work health and safety Codes of Practice and two guides for public comment.

WorkSafe Victoria has announced it has identified 27 separate safety issues at 43 sites following a 24-hour safety blitz in the northern Victorian town of Wodonga.

Victorian Assistant Treasurer Gordon Rich-Phillips has launched a new WorkSafe Victoria blitz targeting musculoskeletal injuries in a bid to tackle the state’s most common workplace injury.

The Queensland Government has announced it is seeking feedback from the resources sector on the proposal to harmonise the state’s mine safety legislation with other states.

Comcare has announced the finalists for the 2012 Comcare Work Health and Safety Award, with the winners to be announced at a gala dinner in Sydney on September 20.

The House Standing Committee on Education and Employment is calling for submissions as it ratchets up its inquiry into workplace bullying.

The New South Wales Chamber of Commerce has warned the state’s employers that they run the risk of footing a bill of up to $482 million this flu season if they don’t review their health and hygiene policies.

WorkCover Queensland has launched its first information micro website for the state’s employers. The first micro-site, construction, contains dedicated news, events and information for employers in the construction industry.

WorkSafe Victoria has announced a safe work blitz of Traralgon in the state’s LaTrobe area in the state’s south-east. The week long blitz forms part of the Safe Towns campaign involves a dedicated team of inspectors visting the regional area to ensure health and safety compliance.

Two new awards have been added to this year’s Comcare Work Health and Safety Awards—the first time Comcare has administered the awards in its own right.

A report released by the mental health advocacy group Inspire Foundation has found that mental illnesses in young men is costing the Australian economy $3 billon each year.

The Federal Government has introduced a package of bills that will aim to reform the way in which the country regulates all commercial vessels within territorial waters. The legislation will replace the seven existing Federal, state and territory bureaucracies and the fifty separate pieces of legislation they administer with a single national regulator and one set of nationwide laws.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten have announced the Federal Government will conduct a review into bullying in the workplace.

A new investigation into the treatment of depression is underway at the Griffith Health Institute, with a focus on depression in the workplace.

South Australian unions are throwing their support behind a Greens' plan to make sure older workers over 65 are covered by workers' compensation.

The Victorian Government has announced a new $20 million research initiative aimed at better understanding the effects of road trauma.

“If we’re spending a lot of time sitting down with the same posture, it will cause spinal degeneration and joint inflammation that sends messages to the brain to tell it the body is stressed,” he said.

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