WorkSafe Victoria is looking to appoint a new Chief Executive, following the resignation of Greg Tweedly earlier this month after the Victorian Government announced it would strip $470 million over four years from its budget to bolster general revenue.

The government’s plans have met fierce resistance, both from the Australian Workers Union and from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, which has embarked on a campaign to prevent the cuts.

Maurice Blackburn workplace law expert John Cain said the State Government’s plan is seriously flawed.

“It is a raid on employer WorkCover contributions, and could drive up premiums and threaten injured workers’ compensation entitlements. It’s unfair for all Victorians and needs to be stopped,” he said.

The Australian Logistics Council has called for amendments to the proposed Road Safety Remuneration Bill to meet a number of industry concerns.

WorkCover NSW has commenced a new project to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses and improve injury management in the road freight transport industry.

Work safety systems company, SafetyCulture, has release an iPad safety auditing app, iAuditor.

A new study by senior research fellow Dr Peter Smith at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at Monash University will examine whether groups such as immigrants and older workers are more vulnerable to injury in the workplace, and why this is so.

The Federal Government has passed the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Amendment (Transition to Fair Work) Bill, bringing the abolition of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner a step closer.

Transpacific Industries Pty Ltd (TPI) has been fined $170 500 following court action from Comcare, the federal health and safety regulator, after the death of a TPI worker at the Alcoa Wagerup Refinery in Western Australia in September 2009.

The Queensland Mines and Quarries Safety Performance and Health Report 2010-11 is available at:

Comcare is running a series two-day training programs in capital cities aimed at providing knowledge and skills to implement effective and comprehensive workplace health and wellbeing programs.

Sydney printing company Wongtas has been fined $20,000  by the Federal Court for discriminating against a pregnant worker by demoting and then sacking her.

Victorian business owners have been put on notice to take immediate action to support the health of their workers after new research shows one in four employees have a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a life-threatening yet preventable disease.

Researchers at the University of South Australia have produced a book, Time bomb: work, rest and play in Australia today, which examines the impact of the combined stresses of managing jobs, home and community life.

The Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV) has announced it will construct a $10 million Master Builders Building Leadership Simulation Centre (BLSC).

Safe Work Australia has launched a new volunteer assistance package aimed at assisting volunteering organisations better understand new work health and safety (WHS) laws.

Federal Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten has accused the Victorian government of deliberately frustrating progress on the national occupational health and safety harmonisation initative.

The Victorian government has appointed former County Court Judge Gordon Lewis as the country’s first independent Road Safety Camera Commissioner with the aim of increasing integrity measures around speed and red light cameras.

The NSW Minister for Finance & Services, Greg Pearce, has stated that the Government will fast track reforms to WorkCover and the Compensation Authorities following the resignations of the Chairman, Greg McCarthy and CEO Lisa Hunt. The reforms will be aimed at checking WorkCover’s deficit, which in the six months to June 30 the deficit had blown out from $994 million to $2360 million.


"I have made it clear that the WorkCover scheme in its current form is untenable - the deficit is growing and WorkCover must be reformed to get it back in the black," Mr Pearce said.


"Both Mr McCarthy and Ms Hunt agreed there was a need to reform WorkCover and the government will now move to press ahead with the reforms under a new leadership team," he said.


"The reforms will be fast-tracked with Deputy Chair, Nicholas Whitlam, acting as Chair and current Chief Financial Officer, Julie Newman, acting as CEO until replacements are appointed.


"One of the possible reform options, developed by Mr McCarthy, includes merging WorkCover and the four other compensation authorities - the Motor Accidents Authority, Dust and Diseases Tribunal, Sporting Injuries Committee and Lifetime Care and Support Authority to achieve savings.


Mr McCarthy has been a member of the Board of WorkCover since 2002, including the position of Chair since 2005, and was in the process of developing the reforms to turn the scheme around.


Ms Hunt has been CEO since 2010 and was instrumental in driving change in the workplace including the implementation of the new Work, Health and Safety regime.

Environmental health concerns continue to plague the ABC’s Brisbane offices, with documents leaked that show the environmental consultants employed during construction of the new ABC headquarters at South Bank, Brisbane, temporarily resigned over concerns that environmental health issues had not been addressed in effort to cut costs.

The Queensland Government’s Safety in Mines Testing and Research Station (Simtars) has developed a fully automated mobile mine gas laboratory that can be rapidly deployed in the event of a mine emergency.

The Resources Safety unit within the WA Department of Mines and Petroleum is developing  a draft code of practice  to help identify hazards and risk factors associated with drilling operations.

A new Fire Protection Centre of Excellence in Brunswick, Victoria will offer the latest in training and technology to those in the fire protection industry.

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