Work Safe Australia has released the online version 22of the 2012 edition of the Comparison of Workers’ Compensation Arrangements in Australia and New Zealand report.


The Comparison of Workers’ Compensation Arrangements in Australia and New Zealand provides information on the operation of workers’ compensation schemes in each of the jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand.


This edition of the Comparison report has been substantially revised and reformatted to improve comparability and readability.


The Comparison provides background to the evolution of workers’ compensation arrangements in Australia and New Zealand, and discusses the way that each scheme deals with key aspects such as the size and nature of the schemes, coverage, benefits, return to work provisions, self-insurance, common law, dispute resolution and cross-border arrangements.


The majority of Tables contained in this report provide a snapshot of workers’ compensation arrangements as at 30 September 2011. However, because each jurisdiction may vary its arrangements from time to time, and because there may be some exceptions to the arrangements described in this edition, more up to date information should be obtained from the relevant authority.


The report is available here.

Recent figures published by WorkSafe Victoria show that more than 20 tradespeople are injured on Victorian construction sites per week, costing the industry around $17 million per year in medical costs, wages and other expenses.

The New South Wales Business Chamber has warned that over 12,600 jobs could disappear from the state economy if workers’ compensation premiums are allowed to increase by the projected 28 per cent.

The 2012 WorkCover NSW SafeWorks Awards are now open for nominations, with the agency inviting organisations and individuals who have ‘gone the extra mile to make their workplaces safer’ to apply for awards.

The ACT Greens have released the results of their ACT Workplace Bullying Survey, finding that workplace bullying is rife in most workplaces.

WorkSafe Victoria has announced a free workshop aimed at providing employers with advice they need to help reintegrate injured workers into the workforce.

NOPSEMA, Australia’s national independent regulator for offshore petroleum health and safety, well integrity and environmental management, has released the latest health and safety performance report for Australia’s offshore petroleum industry.

The NSW parliamentary inquiry into workers compensation, undertaken by a Joint Select Committee established on May 2, is underway.

Unions NSW has led a delegation of injured workers to the NSW State Parliament as it launches its campaign against the State Government’s proposed cuts to WorkCover NSW.

The Transport Workers Union (TWU) has publically hit out at Coles and Woolworths, saying the supermarket giants are responsible for ‘lethal pressures in the trucking industry and across the entire supply chain’.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has denied recent media reports about aviation safety in, claiming that air travel remains one of the safest forms of travel.

The NSW Minerals Council has announced its annual awards for innovation safety in the mining industry.

A report by Monash University, commissioned by  the Rail, Tram and Bus Union, has criticized moves by the National Transport Commission (NTC)  to remove working hour caps for NSW train drivers.

Winners of the 7th annual Safe Work Australia Awards have been announced, selected from 37 finalists.

The High Court has ruled that seven former directors of James Hardie misled the Australian Stock Exchange about the company’s ability to fund compensation claims from asbestos victims.

Better protections for workers exercising their rights, a more balanced bargaining system and a range of improvements to economic and workplace conditions to help deliver secure jobs are all at the heart of a dynamic agenda for Australian unions leading into the ACTU Congress.

The ACTU has outlined its vision to create a better future for Australian workers with secure jobs and a stronger, more equitable economy, to be endorsed at the 2012 Congress.

Almost 1000 delegates representing workers from every industry and sector in Australia will attend the ACTU Congress at the Sydney Convention Centre from 15-17 May. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the triennial Congress – often referred to as a “Workers’ Parliament - was the largest and most important gathering of Australian unions.

“We will put forward solutions to counter this employer militancy, through better bargaining powers for workers and stronger representation rights, including a Charter of Delegates’ Rights,” Ms Kearney said.

“But we also have a growing number of workers engaged in insecure work who are often powerless against hostile employers who put profits before workers.

“In response, unions will call on the Government to strengthen the rights for employees in insecure work, and to improve their conditions of employment.

“Improvements need to be made to allow workers to bargain for job security, and to prevent big employers from holding the economy to ransom through their refusal to bargain in good faith,” she said.

Have your say on Work Health and Safety for the next decade 

The Victorian Government has announced a major cut to WorkCover premiums, cutting them by three per cent from the beginning of July.

WorkSafe Victoria has announced a rural blitz of Victoria, with a particular interest in the Ballarat area.

John Holland has been fined the maximum of $242,000 after a worker fell to their death at BHP Biliton’s Mt Whaleback mine 2 years ago.

A research paper published by the NSW Minerals Council has found that addressing growing mental illness issues is a crucial priority for the sector.

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